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GIS for Design Practices

02 Making Data + Narrative Building

Pin-up 10/4


For your second assignment, identify an aspect of your final project topic / location that has incomplete or missing data. Then use techniques of observation and sensing, georeferencing, digitizing, and/or geocoding to create a dataset related to your final project.

You might choose to georeference a historic map, digitize (trace) features from an already georeferenced map, create a survey and collect data using the GPS features from your phone, or take a list of place name or addresses and geocode them to create spatial data.

Design a map composition with your created dataset, incorporating other existing datasets if you choose to for context or to help convey your intended narrative. Considerations here may include, whether you want to imply the context or geography of your created data with that data alone, whether you want to convey aspects of the process you used to create the data, or whether you want to use your created dataset to augment and bring more depth to existing datasets about your topic.

In class on 10/4 you will present your work to your classmates and the instructors through a group pin-up workshop. Please bring your printed map to class.


  • One map (suggested 11”x17”) printed and brought to class (and also posted on canvas)
  • Maps should have:
    • title
    • legend
    • scale bar / north arrow
    • data attribution
  • An accompanying short paragraph that explains your map, the data you created, and what you are trying to convey.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify missing data in the process of crafting a geographic narrative
  • Gain fluency in techniques of data creation, including georeferencing and digitizing, survey design and gps coordinate capturing, and geocoding
  • Experiment with techniques of map representation to convey and argument through scale, color, composition and context information