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GIS for Design Practices

03 Spatial Relatedness

Pin-up 10/18 in class 07


By this point you will have identified the datasets you will need to represent your study area and topic of interest. The goal of this assignment will be to explore the relationships between different datasets using geoprocessing concepts covered over the past two weeks.

This may mean:

  • adding new fields and calculating new values in one dataset based on a relationship with another dataset
  • combining multiple datasets to produce a new dataset with geometries and/or attributes that are meaningful
  • developing a workflow to achieve the above based on different or changing inputs.

To begin your work consider:

  • what relationship(s) are you interested in drawing out?
  • how must the available information be transformed to explore these relationships or properties?

Based on your consideration of the questions above, develop one spatial research question to guide your work. Identify the tools or processes needed to arrive at an answer (even if the answer is a process and not a numerical result). This assignment is as much about framing a research question and developing a plan of action as it is actually arriving at an answer.

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to translate a spatial question into a set of analytical or exploratory steps
  • Clearly document your thinking, what worked (and what didn’t), to be able to communicate your process to others and serve as a future reference point
  • Use GIS tools to investigate a research question


  • A precise diagram outlining your guiding question, and the steps you took to investigate this question
  • Two maps showcasing your process and results