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GIS for Design Practices

04 Representation & Interactivity

Pin-up 11/08


For the final assignment, you will visualize your analytic and/or representational work to-date using a web-based mapping library to allow for interactive exploration from your audience. Attention should be paid to offering the same level of refinement for your user as in previous non-interactive mapping. That is to say, your maps should be functional and follow the same rules as in previous assignments, including proper scale and style choices to make your narrative clear.

Using the template provided or another framework, students must present their interactive maps in small group settings to their peers and instructors. The visualizations may exist only “locally” for this exercise.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic components of a web-hosted map, including the basic web page elements, as well as the Map object, the concept of layers, and elements of interactivity.
  • Orchestrating these different elements such that a non-expert user can interact with the material via a website. This means testing each different element of the system iteratively, understanding (and debugging) error messages, and being able to explain how each of the different site elements fit together.
  • Create an interactive visualization that is refined enough for someone to engage with the topic and/or place without your guidance. The modes of user interaction and level of detail should be deliberate.


  • the requisite HTML/CSS/JS etc files to run your interactive map on any computer
  • a text file documenting where your code comes from, whether that be the provided template, a tutorial, LLM guidance, or some combination of the above. We want you to explore a range of inputs to develop your method; what we don’t want is for you to simply copy and paste from ChatGPT. You should be able to indicate how you generated the code for this assignment.
